Thursday, December 01, 2005

When The World Is Coming Down.

Thanksgiving is over and of course the Christmas hustle begins. There is some much good in world that it unfortunately only seems to see the light of day, maybe during the holiday season. I was reading in the newspaper that the reason people think the world may be going to the dogs isn’t necessary because things are so bad, everywhere, all the time. Closure to the truth is that in the world we live in good news doesn’t sells nearly as well as bad news. Conflict is the reason anything move, sparks, or titillates.

So are things really getting that bad or is the media just focusing on what gets peoples attention. Well, I know why I don’t watch as much TV or movies as I used to. It’s the same reason I abhor spam and junk mail. I no longer have the bandwidth to take in such as mass of non-essential in my life.

Of course, one man’s non-essential is another woman’s passion.

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