Thursday, February 16, 2006

With Prayer and Petition.

Today’s title came to mind a few days back and stuck there. I had no idea in what context, but it made me smile.

You see, people tend to ask for things they want. However, how often do people ask for what they need. Furthermore, when people do ask for their wants or/and need, how often do they believe they will receive them? Babies don't seem to have this issue at all.

As we age we get used to varying levels of denial. We make ask for a raise, and we hope we get it. We ask the bank for a loan, and we hope we get it. We may even propose marriage, and we are pretty sure that the answer will be yes.

How often do we pray about these things, and give our requests to God?
How often to we ask for something and EXPECT, BELIEVE, or KNOW that we will receive it.

I once read a medical article saying that patients chances of beating certain illnesses have as much to do with their personal belief that they will get better as whatever treatment they receive.

You may or may not believe in God, but you ought to believe in something.

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