Friday, May 19, 2006

Back to Basics

The week has been quite interesting. I find myself going back to basics in a few important ways. I have re-dedicated myself to my writing in a way I haven't been able to in a couple of years. I'll be starting a new novel shortly, the pre-thinking just about done as well as the outlining.

Also I have decide to re-immerse myself in the world of motorcycling, one of my passions, after loss of my last motorcyle in the Fall of 2004.

Next, I decided to listen to some of the first and favorite samba songs I heard, and they took my back to some beautiful memories.

Most important though is that I'm pretening to be married to my wife for the first time. Doing some of the things that I haven't done is a while like let her win and working on patience. It has all made me feel younger and fully of a playfullness I have not felt in a while. I'm by no means old, but sometime with the day-to-day of work and family we can fall into a rut of routine. Things can feel stale and stagnant.

Thank the Lord for feeling like 13 again!

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