Monday, September 11, 2006

Remembering the Lessons of 9/11

It's been five years and I haven't forgotten. I still have the MTA pass and receipt from when I took the subway from the World Trade Center on September 8, 2001. I checked out of the Marriott World Trade Center on September 9, 2001 and will remember that weekend as one of the best ever in New York.

Looking back now, I have done all the things I promised to do, like stomping out negativity when it attempts to encroach on my well being. I'm now a father and husband. I am more intimate with Boston than ever.

This year, I wasn't interested in re-living anything. For the first time, I wanted to read stories of how people hand transfored their lives since then. It was refreshing. Some of the key things I gleaned:

1) Count everyday as a blessing

2) If there anything you want to do in this life, get on it, no matter how lofty

3) Work on global goodwill

My faith is stonger than it was five years ago. I still ask God why, why I ended up
with a piece of the World Trade Center and its history? I thank him for the heads-up,
and pray for those left in the wake of the tragedy.

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