Saturday, November 19, 2005

His Joy is Going to be My Strength

If someone had told me ten years ago that I would be listening to church sermons on an mp3 player, I would have laughed my ass off, and then asked...what's an mp3 player?

God bless the Internet, because I was able to download sermons from two of my churches. One I used to attend when I lived in Florida, and the other was from my current church. I was visiting yet another church last weekend hence the download. Anyway, the first sermon was on joy. I thought it was odd, because I thought I knew what joy was already. Maybe.

The sermon went on to explain that we all know what joy is when we experience it, but many of us have lost it or pursue it relentlessly only to watch it elude us again and again. Joy, the pastor said, was accepting that the Lord loves you regardless of whether of not you accomplish whatever it is you feel you need to make you happy, complete, etc. Joy comes from the Lord and when you connect with His joy you have that joy regardless of the outcome of your pursuit of happiness. In otherwords, lasting joy doesn't depend on getting that magical job (or not), it comes from knowing He loves you, He always has, and He always will.

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