Friday, March 17, 2006

Filling The Gap

I was on the train earlier this week and feeling a bit of despair over the goodness of my fellow American residents. Not inherent goodness, but the simpler stuff. Random acts of kindness!!! During this period of lent, both my pastor entreated their congregations to pray during the time for what they really wanted from Jesus.

After some thought and prayer I decided that what I wanted from Jesus was a ray of hope about the goodness of man. Hope as in Ezekiel for (22:30) someone to “stand in...the gap on behalf of the land.

Later that night my wife and I were at Dunkin Donuts waiting on some relatives to arrive. We just planned to sit, however my wife decided she wanted some munchkins, just a couple. She was about the pay the cashier when he promptly bagged the munchkins, smiled, and told her to just take them. When my cousin-in-law arrived about ten minutes later, he did the same thing.

I couldn’t remember the last time I had seen such a random act of kindness. As I write this, I realized that such acts reside in each of us, waiting to come out. It’s doesn’t take money, and it doesn’t take fame. It’s just take faith and courage that each of us can be part of those who will stand in the gap.

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