Thursday, March 02, 2006

Running Your Own Race

Working in technology has its advantages. One has access and information that keeps one informed on the latest trends and tools to “make life easier”. It also has its drawbacks. There’s always someone who has a newer gadget, cooler website, or just plain better information than you do.

Too much of this indulgence can cause one to become discouraged, especially when time is such a premium as one ages. It’s easier to tell yourself, well why bother doing “X” if so-and-so has a better “X”. This I believe is a side-effect of capitalism. Why have a mediocre “X”, when you can have a cooler “X” for a little more, or better yet, the same price. It makes sense.

Then while listening to a podcast sermon, I was reminded that we each have our calling according to who we are, and how God has blessed us. In other words, there are things that only you can do because you are meant to do those things. Furthermore there are some things can you can only do in tandem with others.

It is easy to be envious of someone who is where we want to be, or who has achieved what we are struggling to (keeping up with the Joneses, if you will). In the end, we will never have time to do all the things we want to do, to the extend we want to do those things.

What I find that helps, is to do what we are called to do, to the level of ability we have to do it, and to the extent that we can, every day.

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